I have written about my new goal to satisfy her in bed and to fulfill her wishes and fantasies. I think I am successful, because now whenever we have sex, I can feel and see that she enjoys it.
For example, last weekend she had two orgasms when we made love. It was the first time ever.
She started to initiate sex and asks me to make love to her more often. She says things like "We should do this more often" or "I need more sex". Instead of being denied she lets me cum in her mouth. In short, we have more sex and better sex.
So what about her low sex drive? Is it really important?
How much is the frequency of our intimate encounters actually determined by the sex drive?
I have developed a theory. It is probably wrong, but I like it and I will share it with you. Please feel free to disagree.
If your sex life is running at the frequency of her sex drive, she is probably not enjoying it.
Sex may then be just a bit better than the withdrawal symptoms.
Sex may then be just a bit better than the withdrawal symptoms.
If you stay with me for a while, I will try to elucidate my thinking.
There is a difference between how often I want sex and how often I need sex:
- I want sex, because I like it.
- I need sex, because of my sex drive, which in turn is upheld by my hormones.
How well I can cope with the withdrawal symptoms depends on the circumstances. For example, if my Princess is ill, I can tolerate the lack of sex more easily. I don't know my exact lower limit, but I think I need sex about once a week.
I want sex far more often than that. I want it three or four times a day. This was my masturbation frequency until I stopped about a month ago. Given the opportunity, I can increase the frequency up to my physical limits.
Why do I want more sex than I need? Because its fun. For me sex has always been great. No bad experiences and often I managed to get what I wanted. That's why I want more and more of it.
I think that
1. The amount of sex you need depends on your sex drive and how well you cope with withdrawal.
2. The amount of sex you want depends on the quality of your sex life and sexual history.
You can influence how often you have enjoyable sex. The better is gets the more you will have (up to a certain limit of course). But the inverse is also true. If your sex life is running at the frequency of her sex drive, she is probably not enjoying it. Sex may then be just a bit better than the withdrawal symptoms.
You masturbated 3 or 4 times PER DAY???! What, are you 16???!
Let me think about your theory a bit, after I clear my head. Just now I've got a little urge I need to take care of.
(Of course, I'm just kidding around)
I am not 16 anymore. I am in my 40s. Yet, as I wrote earlier, masturbation can become an addiction.
I agree about the addiction thing. My knight and myself have always (luckily) been sexually very compatible, we always averaged 3 to 5 times a week, which was fine. Not alot of kink, not totally vanilla, we have always had toys and what I consider the vanilla side of kink.
But now, since starting this four months ago, I am the one who wants it all the time. Even when I am exhausted, I want to at least be worshiped. I think I am more addicted to sex then he is (he has actually asked me to be able to just go to sleep) could you imagine. And he has not masturbated since starting this, although I am allowed.
So my theory is good sex makes you want it more, regardless of your "normal" sex drive.
Ms. Lily
Ms. Lily,
Your knight is indeed a lucky fellow.
Your proposition that states, "If your sex life is running at the frequency of her sex drive, she is probably not enjoying it...." may be true in some cases.
With my wife, it is definetely not true. She enjoys what I give her very much. I will, do, and would give her any kind of sex. I think that maybe she is holding back, because "Good girls don't do that." It is regrettable if true.
I am not one of the macho assholes who think that having a cock is godliness. I try to give her all that she asks, and experiment with more. But we are not matched for needing it. I am a two or three times a week man. She is more like once a month. I could service her daily with pleasure. It's not really a matter of skill at this point.
i am right there with you....3-4 times a day would be GREAT.
i wonder if my masturbation restriction has anything to do with that...
Like 's' said, i have an urge that needs to be taken care of...but alas...
i have some thinking to do...
Thanks for all your comments. I may have missed many factors that in- or decrease the sex drive, but still, I think that my little theory explains what is recently happening at least to me.
Nonetheless, I have to suffer extended withdrawal periods as well; who doesn't?
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