Sunday, June 22, 2008

Life and fantasy

There is still a difference between fantasy and real life.
Last night Princess sent me an email, taking back much of what we had agreed on.
While she likes an occasional "role-play", she writes, she feels that submitting totally to me is not what she wants.
Princess thinks she is too passive in bed anyway and if she hands the reign over to me entirely, she will become even more passive.

That may indeed be. She has never been the one who starts a steamy love-making session. By now I have accepted it, but if she becomes more active, I am the last one to complain.

"Lets talk things over when you're back home" were her last words.

Tomorrow I am flying back home. Let's see what will happen. I am nervous.


Skibunny said...

Time to make the dominance more intense I think so that she fires up and starts to make demands on you. :-)

P. Urmel said...

Time has caught up and I could not foresee how right you were :-)