Sunday, February 24, 2008

I must change!

Uniquely Rika's blog has many intelligent and insightful articles on D/s relationships. A recurring theme is the difference between Submission and Regression. She explains it with the following observation:
"These guys [someone like me - Urmel] aren't really selfish; they've simply confused Regression with Submission!

What does this type of submissive say they want?
  • They want to obey the wishes of the ultimate beautiful woman - the Goddess Giver
  • They want to be told what to do, how to act, what is or isn't appropriate behavior
  • They want to be "Trained"
  • They want to be punished if they fail to obey
  • They want to be subordinate to a woman who loves them
  • They want to be so in love with a woman that they have no resistance to her ultimate will
  • They want to give up rights to their pleasure and have it in the hands of the woman they unconditionally adore
  • They want to be swept off their feet and held helplessly (figuratively and often literally)
Who provides all of this in our vanilla lives? Our Mothers!!!
I can only agree. So do I want my mother back? No.
Rika has a clear idea of how the sub should be
"... submission to me is about doing FOR me, not about what I do TO the sub. It's domme-centric. I insist the sub work to please me, to strive to anticipate my needs, and to be an INDEPENDENT thinker who's sole intent is my pleasure. I don't want him to be an 'id-driven' child who awaits orders or tries to find loopholes in the house rules, or worse who disobeys to gain attention. I want him to be a man, who's secure in his desire and intelligent enough to think for himself to provide the self discipline required to serve without the threat of punishment. I'm not a vessel for his stress relief (unless I choose to be).
Again I can only agree. At the same time my blog is full of complaints that my wife is not playing along.

But honestly, should she? Should she need to change so that I can submit? If I am submissive, shouldn't I be happy if I can make my wife the happiest woman on earth?

So why do I want my wife to change?

I have intensive and detailed fantasies that I want to come true. To achieve this, I am bending the relation to my wife - I am even bending her. Shame on me! I am not servicing her, I am servicing me. I focus on my needs rather than hers.

Of course you have to focus on your needs as well,
you may say, otherwise you'll get frustrated and that's not good for your marriage either. True, but what are my needs and why do I get frustrated?

I get frustrated, because I have expectations of how our marriage should develop, how my wife should develop. It is the mismatch between dream and reality that frustrates me. And since no reality can match the perfection of a fantasy, I will always be frustrated.

Fortunately, there is a solution out of this dilemma. And it is simpler than changing my wife.

I truly need to serve my wife. I want to make her the happiest woman on earth. I want to exist for her pleasure. But for all this, I don't need her cooperation. I can just do it. Like Rika, I am convinced that true submission doesn't need the partner to play along. I can just submit. Totally. Unconditionally. Who will stop me?

I can just submit my fantasies and focus on hers instead of mine!
I can just submit my pleasure and focus on hers instead of mine!

Not my wife has to change, I must change.

All this gives me hope. Why? Because it is always easier to change oneself than somebody else. I know already that the change is for the better, I don't have to convince somebody. I can motivate me at any time and need not be polite. No need to communicate, I know everything already.

Of course this will be difficult. Of course I will feel frustrated again. But then it will be because of me and not because of Her! All mistakes will be at the end that I can influence - me.

If I am successful, there will be unconditional love and devotion. I can worship my goddess without the need of regular miracles. But I am sure the more she appreciates my devotion, the more miracles will come.

1 comment:

Susan's Pet said...


You have it figured out. Read that as, "you agree with my philosophy". Actually, this way of thinking appears to be a consesus, not just my beliefs.

The other thing is, regardless of how deep you get into the role of the selfless submissive by serving your partner and not demanding anything for yourself, you can't get away from your basic drive: "Humans are never satisfied." That is the reason for having developed civilizations, science, and the resulting goods that fuel our needs: creature comforts, food delivery infrastrucure, etc. My point is that you will always want to improve your lot because you are a normal human. Don't fight it.